Most Catholics are aware of the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and the kitschy images that currently go with it.
According to information about the devotion date, Catholics key into the Five Ways (5) to celebrate Jesus’ Sacred Heart this month of June.
The month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a devotion that began in the 12th century and became more popular after Jesus appeared to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque in the 1670s, revealing to her the image of his Sacred Heart.
The Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is a moveable feast, meaning the exact date changes each year. This year, the solemnity falls on June 16.
In 1675, Jesus told St. Margaret Mary that he wanted the feast of the Sacred Heart to be celebrated on the Friday after the Corpus Christi octave. In 1856, the feast of the Sacred Heart became a universal feast.
St. John Paul II, who was deeply devoted to the Sacred Heart, said: “This feast reminds us of the mystery of the love of God for the people of all times.”
Many Catholics desire to take the opportunity this month to publicly and joyfully share their devotion to Jesus’ Sacred Heart.
Here are five meaningful ways to celebrate a devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in June.
1. Display a Sacred Heart flag or image.
On Twitter, users have been sharing images of Sacred Heart flags to mark this month. An image of Jesus’ Most Sacred Heart can be shared on social media networks.
One Twitter user, Sachin Jose, wrote: “I am just suggesting an idea to all Catholics on Twitter. Can we display this [the Sacred Heart of Jesus flag] outside our homes this month. If you are ready, please comment yes.”
Whether posted on social media or not, flags can be ordered and hung outside homes or businesses.
2. Enthrone the Sacred Heart in homes and schools.
There is a growing revival of devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Many Catholics are enthroning an image of the Sacred Heart in their homes, parishes, schools and workplaces. This enthronement is a way of making visible a consecration to the Sacred Heart and is a powerful reminder of God’s presence in every moment.
Helpful how-to and other resources are available at the Sacred Heart Enthronement Network, which was established to help those who want to live out and actively promote devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Those who enthrone the Sacred Heart can register the enthronement at that network to join the Sacred Heart Revival, which is described as a 2023 campaign to “fan the flames of love for the Sacred Heart and spread the devotion far and wide so that He may once again reign from pole to pole in our hearts and in our homes.”
The steps to follow for enthronement of the Sacred Heart can be found here.
Pray to the Sacred Heart
Catholics pray in a special way this month for Christ’s love and truth to spread throughout the world so that, someday, all the world will honor the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
While appropriately prayed in the nine days leading up to the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart on June 16, the novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus can be prayed at any time in June.
Many other prayers to the Sacred Heart are particularly meaningful this month. There are a number of beloved aspirations that can be said throughout the day to connect quickly with Christ:
“Sacred Heart of Jesus, make my heart like yours.”
“Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in you.”
“Sacred Heart of Jesus, I believe in your love for me.”
“Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, grant that I may love you more and more.”
“Sacred Heart of Jesus, protect my family and have mercy on us.”
4. Seek out the Sacred Heart.
A special visit or pilgrimage to a parish or chapel dedicated to the Sacred Heart is fitting this month. If there is a statue or image of the Sacred Heart at a church near you, bring flowers to lay before it, or bring loved ones there for prayer.
5. Share the love of Christ’s Sacred Heart.
Devotion to Jesus’ Sacred Heart is a celebration of the reign of Christ’s infinite love. Sharing the love of Christ this month might include doing acts of kindness for friends or family members, spending extra time in prayer, or helping someone in need. Visiting Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament seems especially appropriate this month.
The devotion to the Sacred Heart can be shared with loved ones and friends, including grandchildren and students. Some families may use a Holy Hearts pop-it or Sacred Heart coloring pages as fun and engaging entry points to explain why this month is dedicated to honoring Christ’s Sacred Heart and the mystery of his love.
There are a number of books about the Sacred Heart perfect for reading and sharing this month, such as Holy Habits from the Sacred Heart and Behold This Heart. Children will enjoy reading about St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, who promoted devotion to the Sacred Heart, in this special biography for children. (culled from The Catholic Registers)