By Tony NezianyaÂ
Lagos, July 16, 2023 – On a sunny Saturday morning on July 15, 2023 in Lagos, members of the Nigeria Surfing Federation gathered at the Beach front of Takwa Bay to begin a clean up exercise.
Led by their president, Prince Adewale Fawe, they were on a mission to carry out a physical improvement exercise of the environment.
They felt bad that the once beautiful shoreline was now littered with all sorts of debris – metal scraps, plastic bottles, and various other forms of wastes.
Determined to make a difference, they rolled up their sleeves and got to work.
The team went about the task with meticulous precision. They formed small groups and scoured the area, collecting and separating the types of waste they found.Â
Prince Adewale Fawe, with his magnetic personality, encouraged his team members, reminding them of the importance of their mission.
According to him in an interview, says the idea for the clean-up exercise was initially sparked by Dr. Patrick Okpah, the Secretary-General of the Surfing Federation and also the founder of Environmental Culture.
He had noticed the deteriorating state of the beaches and proposed a quarterly clean-up initiative.Â
His vision was to not only improve the physical appearance of the beaches but also raise awareness about the importance of keeping them clean.
It was inspiring as the members of the Federation were cleaning up the beach and spreading an important message of the need to let this go round the coun betry.
The Federation have by the excercise unintentionally become ambassadors for a cleaner environment.
The efforts of the Nigeria Surfing Federation not only improve the physical appearance of the beaches but also raise awareness about the impact of irresponsible waste disposal.Â
People will begin to think twice before littering, realizing that their actions would have a direct negative impact on the environment and the beautiful beaches they love.
Prince Adewale Fawe and his team had unintentionally sparked a movement that extended far beyond their initial goals. The once-dirty beaches of Nigeria had become a symbol of hope and perseverance.Â
And all it took was a few passionate individuals who refused to accept the status quo, turning their love for the ocean into a powerful force for change.##