By Yusuf Idris Madaki
It’s a difficult time for all of us in the collective movement about the recent devastating floods in Borno State. It breaks our hearts to witness the loss and pain experienced by countless individuals affected by this natural calamity.
Amidst this, The Collective Movement (TCM) through the leadership of our able founder, High Chief Franklin Ekechukwu would like to extend our deepest condolences to the Borno State Government, all the flood victims and their families who are currently going through such distressing times.
We hope that you will be able to find comfort and solace amidst the chaos and that the outpouring of support from People and communities far and wide brings you some measure of relief, Amen.
Our hearts also goes out to those who have lost their homes, possessions and even loved ones through this challenging time, it becomes crucial to stand in solidarity with the flood victims, offering them our condolences and support.
It’s indeed the small acts of kindness, be it providing shelter, food, or even sending a heartfelt message of condolence that can make a tremendous difference during their journey towards healing and recovery.
So, We compiled a list of heartfelt condolence message today to share with those affected by the floods. We hope and pray these message can help express your empathy and let you know that you are not alone.
A few comforting words can go a long way in providing a sense of comfort and strength to those who need it the most.
So, let us join millions of people to offer you condolences to the brave souls who are battling the aftermath of these devastating floods. Together we can make a difference.
Condolences we the TCM members in Rivers State heart you all